סמינר קיץ בינלאומי | אתנוגרפיה עירונית באוניברסיטת טרנטו, איטליה

International Summer School in Urban Ethnography
4th edition – Urban Cultures on The Ground DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY – UNIVERSITY OF TRENTO, ITALY 13-17 September 2016

The fourth edition of the Summer School in Urban Ethnography builds on the collaborative working environment established in the previous editions. The School’s core mission is to provide participants with an inside view on the practice and the skills of urban ethnography.  As such, the School represents a forum where adepts, students, cadets and scholars may familiarize themselves with the status of the discipline, absorbing the tools as well as the tricks of the trade directly from long-time practitioners. A sustained theoretical reflection is, in our view, an essential companion rather than an alternative to fieldwork. This means that discussion on key social-theoretical notions and theories is encouraged.

The fourth edition of the School pivots around urban cultures. Our aims thus include:

  • Theorising culture in order to develop rich interpretations of urban cultures and cultural practices;
  • Understanding the relations between cultural
  • phenomena and urban transformation
  • Thinking through contemporary cultural practices in the context of urban spaces
  • Envisaging ways to visualise urban cultures

For further information and application, click here